Tuesday 11 September 2012


Why represent the police in this way?
The police are represented as being the villains in this, despite the fact that whenever we see the police we usually associate them with being the heroes. The police are portrayed as being faceless and not caring about the immigrants. This manages to show the brutality of real life, that trying to do the right thing can ruin people's lives

Why represent the immigrants in this way?
The immigrants are shown as being very sensitive, and straight away we know that they are the ones who we need to have sympathy. We are also shown that workers who migrate from other countries can't get decent jobs. We see this when Adam looks after the diabetic woman and knows exactly what to do and indeed tells us "I wasn't always a cleaner you know".

What stereotypes are being adhered to or subverted in this clip?
Immigrants having poorly paid jobs is definitely which is being adhered to in this clip, but apart from that all other stereotypes are being de-constructed. Immigrants are often de-humanised and many people think of them as people who steal jobs while being unskilled. But we know that isn't true in this clip as Adam is actually a doctor. The police who are often shown as being the heroes in film and television are shown as being antagonists in this clip. They are shown as being the destroyers of peoples lives and then refer to it as "Just a game".

Can you hypotheses the behind the mediation of this text
This text has been produced to entertain. That is the main purpose of this text is to entertain, as that is why the film has been produced however it has a secondary purpose which is to educated people that our preconceptions aren't necessarily the truth about immigrants. 

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