Sunday 23 September 2012

Critique of my Blog

  • Good use of images
  • Good use of Terminology
  • Good links to the theories/binary opposites
  • Make more attractive (GIFS, Videos)
  • Could have used more on editing, mise-en-scene and music, but what is there is good.

  • Could make it better presented and more interesting
  • Should mention camera shots and sounds
  • Nicely laid out
  • Good use of pictures
  • Good technical language

  • Terminology is well used
  • Need more on mise-en-scene

  • Chunks of text need breaking up
  • Needs a conclusion
  • Needs to be more appealing

  • More terminology but good reference to the theories
  • Less heavy text

  • Good analysis of characters and detailed
  • Clear understanding of structure etc
  • A bit text heavy, needs more pictures
  • Flows well, a bit short. Needs more info.

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