Wednesday 3 October 2012

Preliminary Work

When we started off doing the Preliminary work we were originally warned as to how difficult it could perhaps be, and watching the previous AS level groups we realised that one of the biggest difficulties would be originality. After a brief period we finally came up with an idea that we considered good enough to follow through with. A teacher leaving the classroom while a student steals exam answers off of the computer. 

Once we had decided on the idea, we worked out who would be taking up what roles in the filming off the clip. Myself and Tom took part in both the filming and the directing of the piece, while Tom and Eliot took on the acting. Before that we had to complete several pieces of paperwork, such as a script, a storyboard and a timeline. Once we have ticked all those boxes we were then able to commence with the filming.

Once filming was underway we tried to get plenty of shots for each small clip, so that we could get the acting spot on and make our editing much simpler. We did this with every small clip and often tried experimenting with different camera shots, to try and get used to using all of the things that could potentially improve the clip. After using up most of our 2 hour time limit on the filming we were soon able to start editing together all our clips. In hindsight I wish I had done a little more on the editing as it would probably have come in handy to have the experience of using the software, but I did a little bit and managed to grasp the basic concepts of Sony Vegas.

Looking back on the work that we did I feel as though our group worked very hard, and we all contributed to the task. Doing the work that we did was something I didn't think I could do in under a week so it has helped me prove myself wrong. Next time we do similar work I intend on using the editing software a lot more to try and utilise it myself rather than relying on others, and perhaps acting and letting someone else have a go at using the camera.

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