Sunday 28 October 2012

The Video Games Industry


Publisher - The publisher is responsible for licensing the rights and the concept on which the game is to be based. Large publishers/developers also handle both the marketing and distribution themselves. In the international game industry, the publisher and the developer are generally the same concern. For example, the large American game publisher Electronic Arts (EA) owns a number of development companies that develop games based on licences EA has obtained.

Developers - Some developers started as companies that developed games on contract.• Today, the great majority of developers are independent game companies that develop games based on their own rights, and publish the games themselves. Some game companies can thus be regarded as both publishers and developers.

The Distributor - The job of the distributor involves marketing the game, handling packaging and transport and in some cases providing user support. The international publishers sometimes function as distributors for small game developers. In such cases, the distributor owns no rights to the product, but helps in making it available on the market.

5 Most Important Games of All Time

5. Madden Football (1990)
The first John Madden NFL football actually premiered in 1988 but it was the second version in 1990 that set it on its path to annual releases and becoming the best-selling sports game of all time with over 85 million copies sold as of 2010. Former coach and broadcaster lent his name to the series, insisting on realism. Each year giddy football fans line up at midnight to get the newest game and to see what new additions have been made.  Perhaps the biggest key to Madden’s long success is its exclusivity contract which gives it the only game with rights to NFL player names, team names, and stadiums, virtually guaranteeing a monopoly on the NFL. The sucess of the Madden series then lead to EA creating the popular FIFA franchise which is popular on the oppsite side of the atlantic to Madden. 
4. Space Invaders (1978)
Space invaders was developed by Taito in Japan and licensed to Midway in the U.S.  This simple blast the alien invader games is perhaps more responsible for the rise of the arcade game industry in the late 1970’s and early 1980s than any other game. Over 60,000 machines were sold in the U.S. It became the first “must have” game on the Atari 2600 and quadrupled sales of that console in 1980. The game was designed by Shigeru Miyamoto who would later go on to design classic games like Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, and F-Zero

3. World of Warcraft (2004)
World of Warcraft wasn’t the first massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), but it’s become the most popular and influential. First released in 2004, World of Warcraft took the Warcraft real-time strategy series and turned it into an online game for the world to enjoy. As of 2011 the game had over 11 million subscribers and holds the Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG by subscribers. Developer Blizzard Entertainment has produced numerous expansion packs to keep players coming back for more.    

2. Wii Sports (2006)
Wii Sports came packed with the Nintendo Wii console when released in 2006 and because of that it enjoys the status as being the best-selling video game of all time with over 75 million copies sold. But more importantly, Wii Sports became the greatest social videogame, allowing friends and families to compete in sports like tennis, baseball, bowling, golf, and boxing. Wii Sports has bridged generations becoming the game to have a strong following among senior citizens. Wii Sports has thrived in retirement communities where golf and bowling leagues sprouted up en masse. Wii Sports signalled a change in the video game industry, and it brought many people to gaming for the first time.

1. Super Mario Bros. (1985)
Released at the launch of the original Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Mario is also largely responsible for the NES’ initial success. It was the best-selling game of all time for over two decades until being supplanted by another game on our list with over 40 million units sold. Mario has gone on to become Nintendo’s flagship character with each new system they release, and the name Mario can sell almost anything that Nintendo wants it to. And more importantly the 2D platformer is still very popular and addicting today, meaning that this game can be played over and over again by different generations without ever getting bored.

The Effects of Changing Technology on the Video Game Industry

Since the start of the 21st century there have been massive leaps in technology which have allowed the video game industry to evolve. At the start of this century Sony were just about to bring out the Playstation 2 which saw huge improvements on the Playstation 1. There was much more space, better processing and things seemed much more realistic. Skip forward a few years to 2003 and we see the the introduction of the EyeToy which would allow users to control things on screen using motion. Although this didn't catch on very well it was the start of a big change in gaming. By the middle of the 00s we were introduced to online gaming for the first time via Xbox Live which enabled players to play against one another via the internet, and this is a huge thing today. And thenw e come back to the EyeToy. In the current generation of games consoles we have the Playstation 3, the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii. All three of these can use motion in order to enchance the gameplay. The PS3 has Playstation move which is very similar to the Ninentdo Wii in the way it enables players to use a remote to play the game, and the Xbox Kinect which is a much improved version of the EyeToy.

Upcoming Game

Call of Duty: Black Ops II, abbreviated as COD: BO2, or simply BO2, is an upcoming first-person shooter developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. This is the ninth main installment for the Call of Duty franchise, set for release on November 13, 2012. It is the sequel to Call of Duty: Black Ops and was announced on May 1, 2012e. It is the first game made by Treyarch to be set in the future, and also the first direct sequel produced for the series by the studio. The story takes place across two separate arcs, one recounting events in the 1980s, and the other following characters in the year 2025.


The 1980s story arc follows the exploits of Alex Mason, fighting in a proxy war in Angola whilst suffering from a disorder as a result of his brainwashing in Vorkuta. Viktor Reznov will reportedly return in this section of the game, and it has been suggested that his friendship with Mason will continue to be explored.
This portion of the game chronicles the rise of Raul Menendez, the primary antagonist of the game in the 2025 chapter. Known locations in this section are Angola, Afghanistan, Panama and parts of Central America.


In 2025, a cyberattack targets the Chinese economy, crippling the Chinese Stock Exchange. In retaliation for this, the Chinese government has banned the export of rare earth elements, sparking a "Second Cold War" between the United States and the People's Republic of China. During a Chinese invasion of Los Angeles, David Mason - the son of Alex Mason - and a team from the United States Navy Special Warfare Development Group must escort the American and French presidents to safety as they come under attack from automated weapons and Menendez's men. In the time since the 1980s, Raul Menendez has styled himself as the leader of the Cordis Die, a populist faction hailed as the champions of victims of economic inequality. In his role as their leader, Menendez has taken control of the "keys" to the armed forces, hijacking the United States' automated weapons systems and turning them against their masters. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Frank Woods has survived his encounter with Lev Kravchenko and escaped from Hanoi. He has taken refuge in a secret location known as "The Vault" and has anticipated Menendez's rise to prominence. Woods serves as the narrator for the 2025 story arc. Known locations are Los Angeles, The Vault, Singapore, Yemen and Cayman Trench. 


Departing from the notorious linear campaign style of past Call of Duty games, Treyarch has decided to take a non-linear and sandbox approach to Call of Duty: Black Ops II, (meaning no back-to-back missions with the same outcome every time replayed) instead the old linear style has been dropped in favor of "a more open ended campaign that relies heavily on player choice. "There will be significant points within the single-player campaign where the player is essentially given control over the course the game will take. It won't be a simple "A, B or C" choice either, it will be more expansive than that, for example, not protecting a certain character won't lead to a mission failure, instead it will change the course the game will take. To help with the departure from a linear campaign are a set of special missions dubbed Strike Force. These missions are sandbox, and play similarly to a Real Time Strategy game. The player can assume the role of a commander, command ground forces, and on top of this, there will be the ability to go back to the traditional first-person and take part in the action themselves. The player gets to have a chance of taking control of many different warfare technology such as unmanned vehicles, jets and robotic automobiles. If the player dies in a Strike Force mission, the story will go on, keeping the record of deaths rather than loading to the last saved checkpoint. The missions will go on to change the story, even change Menendez's plans. By the time the cold war ends the player will see that they have made the results different.


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